Josie O, Bite Free for [1] Day(s)!

I don’t know if Josie really got stung by a wasp yesterday or not. She napped most of the day, and when her eensy dose o’ Benadryl wore off, she was as lively as ever, with no limp or sign that anything had happened. I never saw any swelling, so for all I know, she just stepped on something sharp. Regardless, she got a restful day out of it.  

When Josie was at her most pitiful, I put Musette down next to her bed, to see if maybe she’d be sympathetic.

Musette (leaning in): Aw… What happened to–  (stiffens) No! She is my sworn enemy! (stalks off)

I think Musette wants to try a friendly overture, but isn’t sure she wants the consequences. Come winter, when the outdoors ceases to please, that’s when it’ll happen. “The power of boredom compels you!” 

3 thoughts on “Josie O, Bite Free for [1] Day(s)!

  1. Glad Josey got some rest and is back to her normal self. She might have just stepped on something sharp. Oh the joys of children, human or furry

    1. I’ve seen dogs that limp for attention. She’s a smart cookie, but so am I. Hey, it only took me a couple of weeks to figure out she was gaming us to get treats in exchange for barking. Lesson: Never combine cessation training with reward training.

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